
LilyBot User Guide

A screenshot of LilyBot

LilyBot frees your mind of having to remember things you intend to do.

Adding ToDos

You can add a task of type todo.

Example: todo read book

Then a task of todo will be added to your tasklist!

[T][] read book

Adding deadlines

You can add a task of type deadline, which has a due date.

Example: deadline essay /by today

Then a task of deadline will be added to your tasklist!

[D][] essay (by today)

Adding Events

You can add a task of type event, which has a start time and an end time.

Example: event group meeting /from today /to tmr

Then a task of event will be added to your tasklist!

[E][] group meeting (from today to tmr)

Feature undo

You can undo your last command in LilyBot.

Feature delete

You can delete a specific task by enter the task number.

Example: delete 3

Then task 3 will be deleted.

Feature mark / unmark

You can mark your task as done with mark or not done with unmark, followed by a task number.

Example: mark 3 or unmark 3

Feature find

You can find tasks that contain a certain keyword by enter the command find [keyword].

Feature bye

Say bye to LilyBot to let her rest.